Sabado, Disyembre 21, 2013

Descriptive Blog: A Lonely Christmas for my Cat

       Christmas is a season of love and forgiveness. It is a season of giving and sharing blessings to others. Happiness in every heart of the people is always there. Families spend time with each other. They exchange gifts and eat noche buena together. They attend Misa de Gallo to make their wish come true. Everybody unite for love to experience happiness and peace at every heart. I became a witness to all of these every year. This year, there is something troubling in my mind. Does a cat also deserves a merry Christmas? I know its a funny question to ask but I have this feeling of guilt and sadness inside me.
       In our boarding house, we have this cute cat named Madelle. The name sounds girly but believe me, this cat is a male. He is a handsome and a fat cat, that is why we like him very much. He has a yellow-orange colored fur striped with color orange. He really looks adorable when he will ask for a food with those big shiny eyes saying that he is hungry and asking for a food, I really can't escape from it. He loves to play with papers, he loves to scratch it but I don't like the way he do it because sometimes some of my papers were the victims. Even how big his sin to me, I'll end up forgiving him because he'll make his face look pity. Madelle is also a responsible cat, he keeps our boarding house away from destructive rats. He scares them. He also dispose his own waste at the right place, in our comfort room. Unbelievable but its true, not on the bowl but on the hole where water flows out. Madelle is sweet and considerate, he make sure that he don't touch my blanket. I don't know what is in his mind, that he loves to sleep near my feet. He sleeps very late and wakes up late in the morning. I don't know why but I think he make sure that rats will not show up when he's asleep.
       Last Thursday, I left the boarding house together with some of my board mates. I have seen the sadness in his eyes when we left. He knows we're leaving  but I can't bring him, there are laws for animals. Every time I saw our cats in our home, I'll remember Madelle. How would you feel when you left someone begging you to stay? If you ask me, I feel guilty. I can't stop thinking if what had happen to him, if he has something to eat and if he has soft cloth to sleep on. How about this Christmas? Who is going to take care of him? Who is he celebrating with? What will he eat? These questions are running in my mind. Honestly, all I have now is faith. Faith that God will also take care of Madelle, that He will also provide something for him. I believe that Madelle will hunt rats for his food. He is genius, he knows he have to live. These are the words I am holding now and I believe that Madelle is different from me, that he'll never leave me and wait for me to come back. Animal as he is, he also have his feelings and he also deserves a happy Christmas that everyone has but this Christmas, I think he can't have it.

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