Linggo, Disyembre 22, 2013

Problem Solving Blog: From Problem to Blessing

       All living things in this world experience problems, no exception. Old and young, fat and thin, tall and short, face different problems in life. Even the biggest and smallest animals have. The healthiest and weakest plants have also their own. God gives us problems and circumstances to warn us not to get too attached in this sinful world. He use problems to test us how much we love Him, how firm we are and how faithful we are as His children. We can never escape from it. The more we avoid it, the bigger it becomes. God wanted to know how obedient we are in how we response into that certain problems He gives us. Our family face different problems every year, big and small. They are all the same, they stands as a challenge or a test. God never leave us alone, because the latest problem we had encountered ended to be a blessing.
       My eldest sister was blessed enough because she passed the scholarship examination of AIMCOOP. She was given an opportunity to chose the university she wanted and have a free tuition fee. My sister chose to be in Xavier University an Cagayan de Oro with the course of accountancy. Actually, it was not her choice. It was the choice of AIMCOOP, who gave the scholarship to my sister. We can do nothing about it unless my sister will give up the scholarship. My sister just follow what they want, she said she will learn to love it. As of now, it was already her third year and with the grace of God, the past two years seems good. The problem came out when my sister's grades started to decrease. Last semester was a bit scary for us all. We were very uncomfortable to my sister's grades , it worried us all. The AIMCOOP might took the scholarship of my sister and left our family hanging on that expensive university. My parents were afraid about what will happen to our family if my sister fail. That time, I always imagined what life is waiting for us if it will happen. We were all afraid.
       That time was really alarming, it makes us all worried. Days passed, worried as I am, I found myself reading the Bible. The Scripture says, "God keeps His promise, and He will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, He will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out." After reading God's word, I talked to Him through praying. I asked for His guidance and help, to let my family overcome this problem. I asked for strength and a new hope to all of us. It takes two days for me to realize what is the right thing to do, without knowing that my parents were already praying about it when they realize that it was a big problem we are facing. We all do have our problems, but it is a matter of faith. Claiming answers to our prayers through faith is a wise step. My sister is now miraculously continuing her studies at Xavier University with the AIMCOOP's scholarship. AIMCOOP gave my sister a second chance to prove that she deserves to have it. Faith is what it takes. Even how big our problems are, let us remember that we have the biggest and greatest Father watching us above, hearing our prayers and showered us with blessings and love.

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